Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

It's been in the back of my mind for weeks now that I should start a cooking blog, and last night, a good friend suggested that I should start one.  My husband agreed it was a good idea, so here I go, diving into the blogging universe.  I've always had a passion for cooking.  Even as a kid, I used to pretend I had my own cooking show and would make up my own secret ketchup recipe for my chicken nuggets.  My mother is an excellent cook and when I went to college, compared to mom's home cooking, dining hall food was not for me.  So I started to experiment with cooking.  Now it's a full blown obsession.  I love kitchen gadgets and all cooking related shows.  Even my internship essay was about cooking!  My recent discovery of has really kicked this obsession into high gear.  So many recipes to try.  So, let the holiday baking commence!  So far, I've discovered how to make sea salt caramels, homemade marshmallows, red velvet whoopie pies, red velvet cupcakes, and my very first cheesecake.  Pictures to come, once I figure out how to do that.  Merry Christmas!